Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Putting Up Walls

They formed walls yesterday, or at least put up the inner forms, and put in conduit, form-ties, etc. More rebar and then outer forms will be done next, then the roof and overhang forms. Jerry says they hope the next pour will be on Monday.
By the way, I finally got our ip-cam working. Here's the link:
It might not be up at times, as they gave me a power supply that doesn't provide enough to accomodate the housing fan and the camera. So plugging into the weather proof housing, the fan and camera come on, but there's not enough power for the camera to really work. If I plug directly into the camera, then we get a video picture, but there's no fan and so the camera could overheat (being inside that weatherproof housing with no ventilation).
I'm hoping to post more pictures as soon as freewebs allows me to upload more. They have this funky limit on how many you can upload within a 7 day period, and to get beyond that limit, freewebs isn't free. I'm sticking with free as long as I can, although I might post a few on my google photo album, which doesn't have such a limit. I have a link to that call "More Photos".


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