Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Lots Done Today

There was lots done today, but it required me taking off work (which I don't like to do).
While waiting on people to show up, I used the tractor and pulled gravel from the pile and spread it around the building site, just so that on wet days, the guys wont be standing in mud.
The septic tank guys showed up and started digging. I posted pictures, so check it out. They hit seemingly inpenetrable rock 5 feet down, and the septic system really requires 7 feet. Since the cost of a hammer hoe is around $1200 a day, I chose to take the dirt (and rock) from the hole and berm up around the top of the system, which, on the side closer to the house, hardly needed much dirt to cover it.We ended up with several humongous rocks (which I'll need a bigger tractor to move) and these are good enough to use in our landscaping. Currently, I'm thinking that these can be used as a set of steps up the berm in the back of the house.
They couldn't fully install the system since we don't have electricity for it, and we don't have a house to hook it up to. So I paid half and they'll come back at another time (probably in 3 months) to finish the installation. At least this way, we don't have to worry about them disturbing the earth and cracking concrete. The system is in the ground, and I'm happy about it.
Rachel wont be happy about how the pasture looks all torn up and rocky right now. It looked like a park prior to this morning. It looks like an industrial park now.
The Terra-Dome guys showed up and got back to work. They had an additional guy with them that had driven down with the dome (roof) forms on a trailer. I got pictures of that too. The trailer with the forms was backed up into the master suite module and I suspect that they'll put those forms up in the next couple of days.
The storage container was also delivered. We have a special lock for it, after renting one of these containers a couple of years ago. Even without the lock, the container is going to be difficult to open for someone that doesn't know how. That'll be a good place to store items so they wont be stolen.

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