Sunday, December 2, 2007

Still, Little Progress

The weekend started off to be productive. I got in about 6 hours of good work on the french drain system north of the garage. I had an early hockey game so I scrambled to clean up and changed and drive to Tulsa for the game.

The game was the poorest performance I've seen in a long time. This is to contrasted one of the best performances of the home team in probably 3 seasons. I'm hoping improvement though, as I saw what they're capable of last Tuesday. They were great.

Anyway, today, it rained off and on. We had church this morning. It looked like it was going to clear up and be nice, but then the cold front hit. Meanwhile, instead of working on the new house, I was busy working on a plumbing issue with the current house, which consumed the bulk of the afternoon.

By the time I had a lunch/supper, it was getting dark and it was colder.
So, with the whole weekend, I got about 6 hours of work in. That's not enough. It's depressing. I'm just not getting enough work done, and there's so much work to do. I'm going to have to start working in the evenings, which I've done before, but this time, it's a lot of outdoor work in the cold. I'll have to set up some lights so that I can work, and try to get a couple of hours of work every evening.

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