Monday, July 16, 2007

The mystery visitors mystery is solved

We poured the 3rd module this morning at 6:00. It went smoother now that it's a crew of 5 instead of a crew of 3. In visiting with the pumper truck operator, I discovered what the deal was with the mystery visitors that our son couldn't tell us anything about.
It turns out that the operator had stopped by and wanted to contact Jerry. Not being able to contact Jerry, he hoped that I might be able to leave Jerry a message and so he wanted to contact me. He told our son that he was going to leave a business card on Jerry's truck (parked on our property). Our son evidently was so out of it that he failed to mention that to us. Also, we're not sure where our son got the notion that the guy wanted to do any drainage work on the property. We suspect that was something he dreamed.
The main thing is that now, we know who the mystery visitors were, and it doesn't seem to be an issue to worry about. No one was on the property to steal from us, although the thought of getting some volunteer help in draining the property appealed to me.
Luckily, I dug the final part of that northeast trench on Saturday and the site drains fine. Once the house is bermed, that drainage will be less of an issue because of the umbrella (look up PAHS (passive annual heat storage) to learn more) that we're planning for over the house, extending out over the berm. That umbrella should keep things beneath fairly dry (and a fairly constant temperature).

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