Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The guys took off for a few days

The guys took off for a few days, here at July 4th. The footings for the garage were poured yesterday, and after the guys got them taken care of, the took off to head home. I'm told that they'll be gone for a few days, but I'm not sure when they'll return. I'm hoping it'll be by Monday, at least.
In the meantime, I'm continuing to work on drainage of the site, but this time, I'm having to do it by hand. I resumed work on the trench at the location of the water line to the garden. As luck would have it, digging a little more I found one of the boulders. So I'm having to break it apart and pull it up in pieces. I kept hitting it until I broke it in half, and then the remainder was still too big to handle, so I started breaking it down further. I managed to pull two large pieces away from the rest, but they're too large for me to lift out of the trench on my own, so I left them for later. Maybe when I'm not so tired, I'll be able to get them out of the trench and can continue to work on the rest of the rock to finish the drainage trench.
On another note, the mayor is angry at us because the concrete truck drivers cleaned their trucks out with a hose after the pour, and dumped concrete on the side of the road. This messes up drainage of the road, and also makes it difficult for the county maintenance workers to grade the road from time to time.
The mayor wants us to do something about it, but I don't feel that I should have to. I dug a hole for them to dump the concrete into, and it's not my fault that they chose to dump elsewhere. I did due diligence and don't feel responsible for the concrete in the road.
Hopefully, the mayor wont push the issue further. I'll just stay home from work on the next pour, and make sure that they don't dump any more concrete where they're not supposed to. However, people have got to realize that they have to dump the left over concrete somewhere. They can't just leave it in the truck, or it hardens and makes the mixer useless. So they dump whatever is left after the job. I dug a hole for this purpose, and am hoping that I'll get a free slab out of the deal.

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