Friday, July 13, 2007

The mystery visitors are still a mystery

We still haven't determined who the two guys were that showed up claiming to know Jerrry and I. I wish our son had bothered to notice more about them, but he didn't even get the company name on the side of the truck.
It's the beginning of a weekend and I had planned to finish digging the northeast trench. I had a minor surgical procedure this afternoon and now have an open wound that I have to keep clean and protected over the weekend. So how am I going to get the work done? Our son wont do it. He hasn't even mowed the dog yard that his mother has been begging him to do for over 2 weeks. I'll have to do that this weekend too. I have to. It needs to be done and we can't get him to do it.
Oh... and I need to put in 8 hours at work this weekend too.
I need a vacation.

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