Wednesday, August 1, 2007

They took off and took some of our tools

I got home after working late. I noticed that the dome trailer was gone and so where the forms and other equipment that had been left behind by Jerry and his crew. Tracy and his guys took them, just as I expected. What I didn't expect was that they'd take our magnetic sweepers that we'd bought because we knew that they'd take their own magnet. They took their magnet and the two that I bought this weekend. I only got to use one of the magnets one time.

It took me a week to find those magnets and I had to search stores in 2 counties to find them. One was a $20 job that was barely adequate. The other was about $30 and was a good magnetic sweeper. It's so frustrating. I wanted to use that this evening to start cleaning up the nails and sharp objects from the garage now that the trailer is out of there. I couldn't do it.

So tomorrow, I have to start over, searching more stores until I can find a good magnet like the second one that I'd bought.

What's really frustrating is that those guys know what types of equipment they've used previously on these jobs. Those two sweepers were obviously not what would be used. One was even so obvious that it was for household use. The other was a shop magnetic sweeper, but not for the kind of use that Jerry and his guys were using their magnet for.

So it was frustrating for them to take off with our tools. They didn't take our broom. It's interesting that they knew they don't use brooms on these jobs, but for some reason they didn't figure out that they don't use the magnetic sweepers (and certainly not 2 brand new ones)(They have to have seen that those two items weren't in the condition of tools that have been haulted around on a trailer or on the back of a truck for months from job to job).

On top of this, our son's car broke down on the way home from work, so the majority of the evening was dealing with that. Somehow, he hasn't figured out that cars need oil in them to continue running. Hopefully, the car can be repaired well enough to get him to and from work.
And I get to be the one that gets up at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning so that I can haul him to Bartlesville for his job, and then still get back to Tulsa to my job before 8:00.
And then I have to do this same thing again after I've put in a day at work. I'll have to drive back to Bartlesville.

What a mess.

And I also had to move about 1200 pounds of Paraseal to a better place. The stuff is supposed to be kept dry until it's installed, so I didn't feel comfortable leaving it where the guys dumped it off their truck this morning.
I had the pleasure of moving this stuff in the dark.

Well, I guess I've done my complaining for the evening. Hopefully, I'll have something good to report tomorrow. I had plans for this evening that were pretty much dashed. My time is valuable and I was hoping to get some progress made this evening. Without the magnets, I don't think I'll be able to do much. I wont be able to move gravel in there without risking the tires on the tractor. This is why we need the magnets.

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