Thursday, May 1, 2008

No Callbacks, No Progress, Frustrated

I'm a bit frustrated this last few days. We were told by the siding salesman that we'd be contacted with regards to the issues we raised the past weekend. We expected this call on Monday. We expected it on Tuesday. It didn't happen yesterday. I'm frustrated. It seems to me that their lack of followup is a sign that they do not intend to make things right. I'm glad we didn't pay them the last little bit.

I'm frustrated that we haven't gotten a callback from the concrete contractor that I spoke with late last week. He was supposed to call and come out on Tuesday. That never happened.

I'm frustrated that the first electrical contractor we gave a plan to hasn't called us. He was supposed to get back with us this week, but never called. He wouldn't even come to our site, and we had to take the plan to him. And of course, we don't see how he can get a clear picture of what we need when he wouldn't come on site to look things over.

I did get a second electrician out to look over the site and I gave him a copy of the electrical plan so he'd be able to make notes on it while walking through the site. He said he'd get back to us, so I'm hopeful that maybe he will in a week or so.

I have determined that we'll need to get another storage container rented and brought out to the site. We had one a year ago, but finished using it in August or so and saved money by not renting it any longer. We need it for a while now, to clear out the house and let whichever electrician room to do his work in the section of the master suite where some of our building materials are currently stored. We'll need to put them in the storage container.

I don't know of a good spot to put that container, but I suspect it'll be between the house and the road, and I can live with that, although it means covering up the spot that I was hoping we could put some of the excess concrete when getting the slab poured.

I haven't done as much in this last few days as I had hoped. I haven't been feeling as well, and now that I might feel better, the weather is going to turn bad for a couple of days.

I'm frustrated.

It has almost been a year since we broke ground, and we still don't even have the sub poured. We don't have the electrical work in the slab done. I'm frustrated. My hopes are that the frustration will force me to make things happen. It's motivation, I guess.

On a lighter note, if there is one, I've also been frustrated with this hosting site. I've been trying to upload pictures for a few days, and they aren't there yet. I'm going to have to put in a technical support issue report and hope that it'll be resolved soon.

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