Saturday, April 26, 2008

Salesman's Visit

The siding salesman visited this morning. Before he arrived though, Rachel and I started a number of chores. The biggest was burning debris that we had piled up from the ice storm in December. The stuff was ten feet high and in the past, it was always too wet or too dry or too windy. It was just right this morning, so we got the fire going.

The salesman wanted full payment, but Rachel stuck to her guns (I was manning the fire) and said that the cap needed to be addressed first. They inspected the siding job and she took him up on the roof so that he could see how the cap was done. He agreed that it didn't look like a good job.

He made a bigger deal out of the fact that the guys left scrap, trash, etc. He went around and picked up a bunch of it. We agreed that we would pay about 90% of the balance, but that the last amount was held back until they do something about the cap. The salesman took pictures so that he could return to the office and discuss the matter with the company vp.

After he left, Rachel and I made a quick trip to get 6 40lb bags of manure for the gardens. We worked in the gardens most of the afternoon, although I did get some mowing done, and I also worked a tiny bit on the house. I put some plastic on the end of the pex we have out in the patio, to protect it from the UV rays. I need to protect the water supply line as well, but I'm hoping to do that with some pipe insulation (which we need anyway).

I'll be interested to hear back on what the vp of the siding company will agree to do. We feel that it is only right that the cap be done as we had been told it would be done from the beginning. That only seems fair.

I feel badly that the guys that installed the siding might have to return to finish the job. This will not make them happy workers, and because of the trash that the salesman picked up, they'll probably get some scolding over that. And we have no complaints with their work, other than the cap isn't what we'd originally agreed upon.
I just hope that if the same guys have to return to redo the cap, that they're not the type that will vandalize. We just want to have the job done the way we agreed on having it done, and paid to have it done. (and we didn't want to get anyone in trouble over it).

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