Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One Step Forward / One Step Backward

It feels like every time we make a little bit of progress, something happens and we step backwards and there's no progress at all. It was like that today, and as of right now, it is a step backwards, not forwards.

First of all, we needed a power pole added for the new house. I marked a place for it to go so that it would be conveniently located, yet clear the water pipe from the well head to the shed where the pressure tank and other water-related stuff is. Well, the auger that the power company used was huge and powerful, but it wasn't powerful enough to not be moved by the rocks we have in our ground. It moved too far to the south and got into our water line. It broke the water line, but somehow didn't seem to hurt the power to the well. So we had to shut the circuit off because the well was just pumping water like crazy and it went all over the inside of the shed and out on the ground.

Now we have the new pole for electricity to the new house, but we don't have water. Now I have to fix that.

So I had to start digging a trench from where the damaged pipe is, over to to where it enters the shed. I had a tough time even finding someone that could come out and work on it, and finally got a guy that is located 40 miles west of Tulsa, and so he's going to have to drive this long distance (at an additional charge) to get out to our location and fix this mess.

And when this is all fixed, we'll have to shock the well again because now the water system has been compromised. So we'll be without drinking water for a couple of days until we can get that cleaned up.

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