Tuesday, January 1, 2008

More Berm On the East Side of the House

It was cold and windy today. I'm not sure what the windchill temp was, but I'm pretty sure it was below freezing. The wind was strong and the temperature never got above 37 degrees Fahrenheit. I took frequent breaks to warm up.

I had a couple of loads of dirt delivered yesterday so that I could move them next to the house today. I moved one load today and I have the other to move before the weekend.

This dirt is a little better than the last dirt I had delivered. The last stuff was much rockier, and on top of that, had big rocks in it. I took a photograph of the two piles, so that you can see the difference. Essentially, the rocky stuff is good for building the berm, but I want less rocky stuff next to the house itself, as I want to protect the waterproofing layer. The insulation helps with that.

I haven't been able to post the photographs yet, but I will. These were taken with a film camera. I was given one as a door prize at a recent hockey game, and I haven't had a chance to get the photos developed yet. When I do, I'll have digital versions posted to this site.
Anyway, around 17:00, I put the tractor away. It was time to either refuel or put it away and since I was cold and the sun was going down. It was nice when I got inside. Rachel had a fresh batch of Hoppin' John that she'd cooked up. We only get this stuff about once a year, and probably should do it more often. This being New Year's Day, tradition states you should have some black-eyed peas. I'm not sure why, but they're good, and as an ingredient of hoppin' john, the dish is great. She put sausage in it too, so that added to the flavor and it warmed me back up.My toes, ears and nose are still frozen though.

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