Monday, January 21, 2008

My 3-Day Weekend Wasn't Productive

I'm in the 3rd day of a 3-day weekend. I'm working at a place that is the first place I've worked at that lets employees off for Martin Luther King Day. So this was a 3 day weekend for me, and I hate letting 3 day weekends go without working on the house. This one wasn't very productive, in my opinion. It was cold and windy, so the windchill gave us temperatures well below freezing. The actual temperature never got above freezing on Satuday, and it only got up to 34 on Sunday. It was about that today, but there was swifter wind and we had freezing rain off and on.

I had dirt delivered on Saturday, but never moved any of it. I did retrofit a couple of Y connectors into the french drain at the southeast corner of the house. We needed the Y connnectors for a perforated hose from in front of the house, and then one from the upper portion of the east berm.

Today, I worked ont the french drain a little bit and then moved behind the garage and finished the french drain next to the garage. I moved dirt from the hill back there (from the original excavation that was pushed up back there). Then it began to rain hard so I put the tractor away and quit for the day.

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