Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Our Progress Is Slow

Owner-Builder links:

I felt a little embarassed when someone recently viewed our website and decided that we're slow. The guy suggested that we don't know what we're doing, and that we should be "much further along than" we are. And of course, this guy has never built a house before, but he knows how better than we do. I also was a bit amused that he gave no consideration to the fact that Rachel & I both have full-time jobs, plus a 28 year old that wont help. We have the current house to maintain, plus we need some down-time every now and then.

To tell the truth, I get a bit depressed that our progress is so slow. However, how much can a person do when they also have a full-time job (that they put in over 40 hours a week)? I'm changing jobs in a few days, and I was hoping that I'd have some time between jobs to work full time on the house. It didn't work out that way though. It's good to be employed.

I can mention that it bummed me out a bit when I first heard of the criticism of our progress. However, I think that overall, most people just don't realize what's involved in build a house, and assume that they have all the answers. So, knowing what I know, I'm not going to let it bother me. Besides, we're building our dream home, and we're not on any particular schedule. We're paying as we go, and so if we dally, it's not the end of the world. (I would like to be working out of the cold wind this winter though).

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