Sunday, July 13, 2008

Garage Electrical

I've almost got all the sub-slab work in the garage done. Yeah, I know I'm slow. I didn't get into anything big this weekend, because I was afraid I'd get into something and then get a call that I needed to go to the office to work this weekend. I didn't want to have to stop in the middle of something big, so I piddled. As it turns out, I didn't have to work this weekend, but it's likely I'll be putting in a lot of overtime this coming week. I'm not happy about probably missing a baseball all-star party Tuesday night though.

I have almost all of the electrical done, and I only have some ventilation ducts in the floor. Then after that, I put a thin layer of sheet insulation on top of the compacted sand, and then some rebar and steel mesh over that, with pex tubing snaked in every few inches (for radiant floor heat). We'll call a concrete contractor in and his crew will pour concrete and smooth it out into a nice floor for us.

Finally, we'll have one of the modules set up so that we can close it in. We'll put a walk through door in back (at the patio), one in front, two garage doors, and then the door to the kitchen. It'll be a secure place for us to put building materials and tools. It's a hassle to have to lock things away every time you work. Having it all in secured in the garage will be so much better. Plus, we'll have a bathroom out there too.

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