Sunday, October 28, 2007


We got a little bit of work done this weekend, but one of Rachel's brothers was in town and so we were preoccupied with having a visitor. And we were out of town last weekend. So it's time to get back to work.

Rachel and I did finish the second application of Ecoline-T on all the form straps. I mixed up some hydraulic cement and filled some of the voids where the concrete didn't settle in the forms as it should have. I also started using the hydraulic cement at the base of the parapet walls, to create runoff there. This will carry any water away from the parapets so that it can drain off the roof, rather than to pool up at the flat area at the base of the parapets.

We'd already put the Ecoline-T on all of the straps, including at the base of the parapets. So getting hydraulic cement there to get water away from those areas, is additional protection. Then, when all the hydraulic cement is applied, we plan on putting Ecoline-T on top of that, and then the Paraseal membrane will cover all that too.

We are taking extra care to do overkill on waterproofing.

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