Monday, February 18, 2008

Nothing Done On My Day Off

Today is Presidents Day. I had the day off work. I had planned to work on the house, but I haven't been feeling well for the past few days and felt worse today, so I didn't do much today. I did unload the truck. There was some conduit that I bought yesterday and I unloaded it, but that was just a five minute job.

I also planned to go in to the office and work a little bit on a project that I've got a deadline on. I didn't do that either. My head hurt. I ache all over. I probably have what's been going around in our area that the locals call "the flu". I'm not sure if it's an influenza or what it is, but I feel badly enough that I stayed indoors most of the day.

It really was depressing to have a three-day weekend and get nothing done on the house. And we've got more rain coming during the week, so it's doubtful that I'll get much done before the weekend. It's really not a happy time for me, although I do have something fun scheduled for March 1st. The downside is that it's a Saturday, which means I'll give up working on the house that day, and then the Sunday will be spent driving back, so I'm likely not to get much done that weekend either. It will be a good break for me though.

PS. When Rachel got home, I was reminded that in addition to not doing anything on the house, I also did not wash dishes. She gets frustrated that she gets stuck washing the dishes most of the time. Honestly, I was sick today and just didn't think of it. I didn't think to eat either, so it's not like I was watching tv all day and eating bon bons (I'm not even sure what bon bons are, but I'm pretty sure they're not good for me).

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