Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No Work Today

Hmmm. I just got off the phone with Terra-Dome. I've been informed that they'd forgotten that Monday was a holiday, and so that threw them off a day (but didn't notify me). So they're sending the crew down today, not yesterday, which means work wont start until tomorrow.

So, in other words, I took off work for nothing. And since I arranged to have my ip-cam delivered today too (since I knew I'd be home), I am stuck at the house waiting for it.

So this is costing us money because I'm a contractor, not an employee where I work. I don't get paid time off. If I'm not at work, I'm not paid.

Rachel took off work yesterday. I took off today and will have to take off tomorrow. This really is frustrating. A call lastnight or sometime yesterday would've been nice.

Did I mention previously, that I have noticed that there's not a lot of communication from these contractors? The only reason I know that Terra-Dome isn't coming today, is because I called them. They didn't call me.

Oh, and the septic tank contractor didn't come today either, and I didn't get any calls from them. I called and found out that the boss didn't even know that it was scheduled for them to do the work yesterday. And of course, as luck would have it, the guy that scheduled it was out today because of a knee injury yesterday.

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