Friday, June 27, 2008

We'll have visitors soon.

Recently, a local television news anchor (who I track via Twitter) expressed interest in our earth home construction project. She wants to come out and see the place and ask questions, and possibly do a news story. I'm hoping that she wont mind that the place is not closed in yet, and that we don't have dirt on the roof yet, and that it's a work in progress, but with some considereable progress to-date. I'm also hoping that we can provide some good information on earth homes since the general public will be viewing the story. I'd hope that this would share an alternative on how to save energy, and since we live in a tornado prone area, that it might also be an alternative that people around where we live might be interested in.

Being interviewed for a story like this is quite an honor, but I'm careful not to make it a vanity thing. I want the information to get out. I have to temper my enthusiasm with being realistic, realizing that I can't get too technical when the questions are asked, although I'm not really sure what questions will be asked. So I'm hoping I can anticipate the questions, and have answers that will be reasonably understandable by the average joe that will be watching on television.

One thing that is a bit of a pain, is that Rachel wants the place cleaned up before they do the story. That means I wont get much actual electrical work done this weekend, because I'll be mowing, trimming, cleaning up and organizing not only the construction site, but also around the current living quarters (inside and out). Since our son is completely absent when it comes to doing any work around the place, this leaves it all to us (and the majority of the work outdoors to me, in the 90+ degree heat). And I've got to get all of this done this weekend, because the visit will be on Thursday (as currently scheduled). So I have to get all of this done.

The good news is that I am healthy, and all of this work will get done. The place will look good. Rachel wont be ashamed when it's seen on television. I just hope the story turns out good and that the place photographs well for the average public, and that we can impart good useful information.

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