Friday, July 17, 2009

Poured the Garage floor (finally)

I managed to get a concrete contractor out (finally) and we got the concrete floor to the garage poured. I took a bunch of photos.

Our goal right now is to get the garage closed in, so that we have a secure place to store tools and materials. We'll pour the slabs for the rest of the house after I finish the utility work that is needed below those slabs.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Earth Tubes

We actually worked on the house today. It was the first time in months. We did some utility work that will be below the slab. Most of what we did today was installing earth tubes (or cooling tubes) for bringing cool air in from beneath our pasture, with more pipes providing a return for pushing air back out to the pasture to be re-cooled. This air conditioning system will only require a fan to circulate, rather than a energy hog compressor.

See our photos on Flickr.